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Ranked as Awesome by independant reviews Ranked as Awesome by independant reviews Ranked as Awesome by independant reviews
Located in: European Coast >> Scotland & Northern Ireland >> Scapa Flow  
The Koeln is in good condition, and makes for an excellent dive. The boat is in 35 metres of water and lies on its starboard side with a very slight list. Because of the orientation of the wreck, the Koeln is quite light when the sun is out and it is easy to make out many of the structures on her.
20m / 66ft
35m / 115ft
Deliberately sunk: 21-Jun-1919 Wreck penetration not possible Technical or decompression diving. More info...
Last 10 Diver reviews for Koeln:
For less advanced divers, the wreck is good - only 27-26m, and intact, giving a lovely view of what a wreck should look like. Viz can be 20m plus. It is possible to enter a bit, but only if you know what you are doing
Date posted: 23-Mar-2006 17:08 by: james who thought that: Anyone can dive this wreck.
Ranked it as: Ranked as Awesome by jamesRanked as Awesome by jamesRanked as Awesome by james

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